All These Little Things

Why is it the little things that get us the most annoyed? When you want cereal for breakfast and there's no milk. When there are tangles in your hair. When you can't find anything to wear. When you trip and fall. When you drop something. When someone cuts in front of you. When you hit every red light. When you're late. When you're early. All these little things frustrate us. But why? We have so much to be thankful for. All over the world and all around us, people are starving, dying, homeless, lost, alone, destitute, with nothing. Yet we live in relative comfort and blessing. Yes, there's always going to be someone who has more money, more clothes, more milk and seemingly less problems than you. But it's all a matter of perspective. Whatever we have (or don't have) is reason to give thanks to God. Sovereign and loving, He gave us everything good that we have and is the source of our joy.

So when all these little things threaten to frustrate you, choose to "look outside yourself" and give thanks to God for His care of you.