
Lately I've been thinking a lot about heaven, also known as the New Heavens and New Earth (i.e. the world all resurrected Christians will live in after Jesus returns and judges). That's mostly because in Bible Study, we've been in the end of Revelation for the last few weeks, and it is these chapters that talk the most about this everlasting glory we are destined for. It tells us a lot about heaven, but not all. We're still left to wonder, trying to wrap our minds around the unfathomable beauty and paradise of heaven. A few weeks ago when Dad began teaching Bible Study, he asked if we had questions about heaven. Did we have questions? Boy, did we have questions! These questions are things that are not specifically addressed in Scripture and are only for reflection on the beauty that awaits all Christ-followers one day in heaven. What questions do you have about heaven?

Will there be food in heaven?

Will we travel in heaven?

How old will we be?

Will there be seasons?

Will there be race?

How much memory of our life on earth will we have?

What will our relationships with other humans look like?

What will time be like?

What will we do?

Will there be music?

Will we remember past sin?

What size will we be?

Will there be cities or nations?

How much will we know?