Growing in Grace: July 2013

Here's a roundup of the latest and greatest of my internet viewing this month:

For Those Feeling Forgotten - Great words by Marshall Segal: "Some of the greatest disappointments in our relationships are made in the moments our memories fail us. No one enjoys being forgotten, especially by those we love most. Your memory is one of the most powerful and fragile things about you."

Yahweh is the Sweetest Name I Know - If you've ever wondered what the LORD in all caps is in your Bible, John Piper explains it.

Temar Boggs' Heroics - Have you heard about Temar Boggs? If you haven't, definitely check out this article!

Abortion and the Negation of Love - "Those of us in the pro-life movement often claim that we live in a "culture of death." But most of us don't believe it. Not really. We may use the phrase as a rhetorical tool, but deep in our hearts we think that our family, friends, and neighbors wouldn't knowingly kill another human being."

The Royal Fetus - Owen Strachan with some wise words.

So You Want to Sin, Do You? - "So you want to sin, do you? I get that. I’ve been there. I've been there today. And yesterday. And the day before. Can I beg just four or five minutes of your time? Then you can go and sin all you want. But first I want you to read just a few words and take a moment to consider them."

Flower Timelapse - An incredible video on blooming flowers. No, really, it's incredible!

Funny Sports Announcers - This is just funny!