Turning the Pages: Reading and Recently Read

A roundup of the latest and greatest of my reading:

Radical by David Platt - A lovely lady from the church read last month's Turning the Pages and saw that I had never read Radical "not because I didn't want to," and so kindly lent me her copy. Russel Moore sums up this book perfectly: "Sometimes people will commend a book by saying, "You won't want to put it down." I can't say that about this book. You'll want to put it down, many times. If you're like me, as you read David Platt's Radical, you'll find yourself uncomfortably targeted by the Holy Spirit. You'll see just how acclimated you are to the American dream. But you'll find another Way, one you know to be true, because you've heard it before in the words of the Lord Jesus, perhaps most forcefully in the call, "Follow me.""

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens - I'm nearly done and have thoroughly enjoyed this classic by Dickens. Telling the story of Pip from his life-changing encounter with an escaped criminal at the age of seven and tracing his story all the way up to adulthood, Dickens weaves a tale of suspense, romance, mystery and magic into over four hundred pages of classic storytelling.

Jack's Life: The Life Story of C.S. Lewis by Douglas Gresham - This relatively short biography of Clive Staples "Jack" Lewis was written by his admiring step-son and, though obviously biased, is well-written and gives a good overview of Lewis' life and career. This man who began as an atheist and turned into a beloved Christian apologist and writer had a remarkable life, from his time in the war to his time at Oxford.

Passion and Purity by Elisabeth Elliot - This is a memoir of sorts sharing the beautiful love story that was Jim and Elisabeth Elliot. Filled with journal entries, prayers, poetry and hymns, there are forty-three brief chapters in this book sharing a love story of two people who truly loved God more than each other.

10 Who Changed the World by Daniel L. Akin - The president of the excellent Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary wrote this book based on a series of chapel messages he preached. Dr. Akin looks at ten individuals (or couples) who changed the world through missions and gospel proclamation. From Lottie Moon to Adoniram Judson, David Brainerd to Bill Wallace, this book draws these brave Christians' heroics back to the Word of God and their ultimate reason for changing the world.

What are you reading?