Don't Make Me Feel Nice About My Sin

Sometimes, people (me included) are too concerned with being nice. Don't get me wrong - nice is good. But there are times when it can be to our detriment, namely, when it makes us get soft about sin. Sin, the vicious rebellion we rage against God, does not merit sympathy and softness. And that's where it gets us into trouble.

I will sometimes mention a struggle of sin to someone, and they will try to make me feel better. They'll give me a sad, little smile and a pat on the back and tell me it's okay. "We all do that," they might sigh. "Don't feel bad." And without realizing it, I'm being affirmed for my rebellion against God.

Fellow Christians who are attempting to encourage me are instead doing dangerous damage. Sin is no matter to be smoothed over, laughed at, minimized, sterilized, or encouraged. Sin is evil, revealing the darkness of our hearts. Please do not make me feel nice about my sin.

I'm reminded of a song, a vivid and reflective song called, "The Size of Sin." It's by one of my favourite bands, Beautiful Eulogy. They sing rightfully,

The smallest white lie is enough for being indictable. / The size of sin so big it causes a cosmic fraction and Hell is the only relevant response to righteous reaction. / This is what our sinful actions actually earned us, but God took upon himself the weight of sin reserved for us, a weight so significant that only the blood of an innocent one is acceptable and worthy. /
So rather than make light of it or minimize the size of it, we should marvel at the magnitude of mercy.

Sin should make us shudder at the weight of its horror yet marvel at the magnitude of God's mercy. Don't try to smooth over my sin or make me feel good about it. It is vile and despicable and massive and indictable. 

But there is One whose blood can wash away that sin. An innocent One who acceptable and worthy, whose blood has enough power. What can wash away my sin? No person, place, or piece, nothing, but the blood of Jesus.

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