Growing in Grace: August 2014

So Much Drama - R.C. Sproul, Jr. on the drama in our lives. "Maturity is supposed to bring perspective. We’re supposed to learn first that we’re not the center of the universe, and second, that today is not the very lynchpin of history."

College Doesn't Change Your Heart, It Reveals It - Yes and yes. This is so good. "Our hearts are fickle things, and more than anything, that’s what college reveals. As Paul Tripp might put it, it’s not that college changes your heart as much as reveals it. It isn’t the secularity, or the immorality that is to be feared. According to Jesus, it’s the propensity of our hearts to either want the wrong things or try to anchor themselves in the wrong places."

Good Credit - Knowing that I'm going such a nontraditional route for my college education, it's cool to see when that route gets highlighted and recognized for the value that it has. In this article, WORLD Magazine highlights competency-based programs, including CollegePlus (the program I'm using) and some of the real stories about people who did it.

"Invictus" Redeemed - I love reading Jon Bloom. He's a regular contributor to Desiring God and I simply love the way he writes. And this, his article on William Henley's poem, "Invictus," is why he's one of my favourite bloggers. "“Invictus” is decent poetry, but as a declaration of cosmic independence it is, frankly, a delusional fantasy. Even if God didn’t exist, it would be a fantasy."

Humanism: You Will Be Like God - This article by the late James Montgomery Boice was published on Crossway's blog. If you're wondering what humanism is all about, definitely read this! It is excellent.

Aborting in the Name of Jesus - Russell Moore, the president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, reflects on a sick and disturbing article that was published in a recent edition of Esquire, about a doctor who claims to be doing abortions because he's a Christian.

The Ways We're the Same (Or What Not to Do in an Awkward Social Situation) - "We can all remember a time when we were excluded and rejected. For some the wounds came early on. For others the wounds are fresh. Maybe it’s a mixture of old and new scars, but we all have them. We are all sinners, and we’ve all been sinned against. No one will leave this world without a few bruises."

Lead with Empathy, Love Your Neighbor, Let the Truth Come Out - A Response to Ferguson -- Albert Mohler wisely addresses a situation where we don't know a lot of facts. "The Christian responsibility in a situation like this—and we are all inadequate to the task—is to say just enough at the right time. And until the facts are more clarified—something that is the responsibility of our justice system at every level—that’s about the most we should now say."

The Gospel According to Cats and Dogs - I hope your gospel isn't according to cats or dogs but rather the Bible itself.

Ireland's Ghost Houses - These pictures are so eerie.

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