Growing in Grace: May 2016

Shame, Fear, Guilt - It's been said that there are three kinds of cultures in the world - shame cultures, fear cultures, and guilt cultures. Tim Challies talks about each one and the Western Christian's response to them.

8 Arguments for Why You Should Be Anxious - This is really good stuff from Justin Taylor. "Unbelief does not just offer dictates; it offers reasons why we don’t need to trust the Lord. And to counter that, gospel-flavored belief argues with our unbelief."

Don't Waste Your Summer - Twenty good things Kevin DeYoung thinks you should do this summer. I love them.

Why Social Media (and the Church) is Making You Sad - "We’ve been warned that social media can distract us, shorten our attention spans, disconnect us from real-life relationships. But what if our Facebook and Instagram are also making us miserable?"

The Nations Are Walking Into My Classroom - What a marvelous piece this is. A teacher reflects on her calling in a multi-cultural high school classroom.

The Wonder of Waking Up to an Ordinary Day - "[G.K.] Chesterton helps me see, really see the world around me. And in seeing, I experience joy in life and gratitude for existence."

10 Articles from the NYT Archives on What it Meant to be a 20th-Century Teenager - From drugs to driving, fashion to family, less has changed than you might think.

Isn't She Beautiful? - Man, this was excellent. What is the role of physical attraction in dating?

Black and White Bible, Black and Blue Wife - Mary Kassian reviews a pretty controversial book on male headship, evangelicalism, and spousal abuse.

Lord, Make Me Viral - "Lord, make me viral. Not like a cold or the mumps, but like kittens and Dude Perfect. I know you said your word will not return empty, but these are my words, and they just might be void and empty."

7 Things Every REAL Christian Has in Their Twitter Bio - Hilarious. And true.