The Author

Welcome! If you've been around this website for any amount of time, you've picked up that my name is Jaquelle.

As there are usually questions following the initial hearing (or reading) of my name, here's a quick word about it: No, it's not French. And it's not pronounced Jacqueline. It's Ja-kell, a name my mom made up when she was just a little girl playing house. As she grew up, she still loved the name and finally when she got married, she had me (her one and only daughter), and this fun, make-believe name was the name I got.

I am a 19-year-old who loves writing about the greatness of my God. I was blessed to grow up in a gospel-saturated home and was saved by grace through faith at a young age. I've been worshiping the sovereign God for as long as I can remember. This blog is an expression of my faith.

(To find out more about how was born, check out here.)

I'm also a Canadian from the west (Vancouver) living in the east (Halifax); a college grad (TESU, class of 2015); a homeschool grad; and a lover of dark chocolate, rooibus tea, good books, old movies, musicals, and theology.

I have an amazing dad who pastors an amazing group of people at Gospel Light Baptist Church, an incredible mom who guides me in biblical womanhood, and a younger brother, Travis, who teaches me about grace every day.

And of course I'm a writer, having moved from scribbled stories on notebook paper when I was young, to writing rambling stories when I was a preteen, and now to blogging about and writing theology as a teen. My first book, This Changes Everything: How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years, is set to release from Crossway in April 2017.

For more on where I write, I'm currently the lead writer and editor-in-chief of TheRebelution and a contributing writer at Unlocking the Bible, desiringGod, and The Gospel Coalition.

My passion is to know God more and, as I study the Scriptures, to pursue right doctrine and joy-filled living. I hope that journey is what this blog is a reflection of.

I'd love to hear from you, and you can follow me on Twitter, like my Facebook page, subscribe to my email list, or send me an email at