Discrimination Samaritan, I Think Not

Happy Wednesday, readers. Today we are going to look at a story that I'm sure you've probably heard of before. It is a story about a time that Jesus healed 10 lepers. This story is found in Luke 17:11-19

One time when Jesus was passing between Galilee and Samaria He passed through a small village and was met by 10 lepers. They called out and said "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." Jesus did have mercy on them and said "Go show yourselves to the priest." As they were walking, they were healed. Then, 9 of the lepers carried on, but the lowest of the low, the worst of the worse, the loser, the Samaritan went back to Jesus and thanked Him. He praised God and fell at Jesus' feet thanking Him.

Don't you find that interesting? If the Samaritans were as really bad as their name boasted, would the healed Samaritan come back and thank Jesus? I think not. Not all Samaritans were bad. Some of them I'm sure helped build their reputation, but not this Samaritan. This one was probably a follower of God and a believer of Christ. The other lepers were so happy about being healed, they probably forgot all about their Cleanser, but not the Samaritan. He remembered. He was so thankful to Jesus, how could he forget? That is a reminder to us, too. We don't want to be like the other nine lepers, asking God to do something for us and forgetting to even acknowledge Him. We want to be like the Samaritan, who was so grateful to Jesus, that he could never forget the thank the Cleanser. So, let us not forget to thank the Cleanser.