Analogy Hour: Open House, Open Hearts

Hello, readers. Every once in a while, I think about a happening in life or a thought and I end up thinking of a spiritual analogy. For instance....

Today we are having an Open House at our house. Last night I was thinking about the Open House. Gospel Light Baptist Church is actually hosting it, so we don't have to do anything but open our home. They provide the food and they just come on in. That made me think of salvation. When I was saved, I opened my heart to Jesus, and that was it. When he came in He did the hosting. He did the work. He did it all. I just opened my heart and welcomed Him in. I think that's pretty cool. If we had to worry about all the things that Jesus deals with in our hearts, whew, we couldn't cope. That's why Jesus runs our lives, not us. All we have to do is open our hearts to Him.