Patience, Patience

Good afternoon, readers. Today I was very happy that I was able to receive a bed for my early birthday present. But, (as my dad says, a screaming conjunction) there's a catch though..... the bed doesn't come in until a week from this Wednesday.

My brother recently got his early birthday bed. Now, today I'm extremely grateful to have a new bed, but I will need patience to get through the next week and a half. James tells us in James 5:7 that we need to have patience until Jesus comes. He gives an example of a farmer who waits for his harvest and is patient until the rains come. My bed is not a big deal, but I still need to have patience to wait. Just like with my bed, we need to have patience to wait for other things too. Things like, waiting for Jesus to return, when life seems at its darkest. Or maybe its waiting for a husband or a wife, and you want just the right person. Or maybe, maybe its waiting to move into a home (I know what that feels like). These are all difficult things to have patience waiting for. In Galatians 5:22 we read that But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

So in conclusion, patience is hard, but its an important quality to have. Patience is a fruit and a great one too. This is a lesson to me probably more than you, but finally, patience, patience my dear friends.