Life From the Eyes of a Pastor's Daughter

The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. - 1 Timothy 3:1

Do you ever wonder what would like having your dad get up every Sunday and preach? Having everyone in the church know your dad and know you? Do you ever wonder what it would be like to say bye to your dad as he heads off to work, and he go to the church? Well, for me that's just life. I am a pastor's daughter, and I love it!

Being a pastor's daughter has pros and cons. Some pros are:
  • Knowing everyone in the church
  • Going out to all the church's gatherings
  • Being the last one to leave the church on Sundays (that can be a good and bad thing, depending on the time and day)
  • Being raised in a good Christian home
  • Being proud of your dad for leading the church family
I love all these things. I think any other PK (pastor's kid) can identify these things as good things. But, there are some bad things that PK's deal with, like....
  • Sometimes having people disagree with your dad
  • People say bad things about your dad
  • Sometimes your dad sometimes has to work late on his sermon
But, despite the bad things, I feel blessed for my dad to be a pastor. He is a great pastor and I, like the church family I'm sure, respect and love him.