We Need to Be NehemiahKids and NehemiahAdults

Good day, readers. If you read the title, you probably thought I made a spacing mistake between the words Nehemiah, kids, and adults, but I didn't.

At our old church in Texas, Wedgwood Baptist Church, there was a program for 1-4 graders. It was called NehemiahKids. It was a program that taught kids about Nehemiah and other stories of the Bible. The kids would pick if they wanted to be in a puppet group or a dowel group (dowel was doing motions to a song, using glow-in-the-dark sticks). At the beginning they would spend a little while in their activity group, then went to Bible Study Group, where they learned about Nehemiah and the Bible. It was a neat program.

Today I think we often forget about Nehemiah. He's just another person. Yeah, yeah he followed God. Uh huh, he built a wall. So what? So what?! So what?! Nehemiah followed God! He built a wall! He handled persecution by his enemies and used his senses to escape a trap that would kill him! Nehemiah was a pretty cool guy, and I think that, like the program at our old church, we should strive to be like Nehemiah. Yeah, he did make mistakes, but he did a lot that we can learn from. Nehemiah is an example. So, I don't know about you, but I want to be a NehemiahKid (NehemiahAdult for all you adults out there).