Daddy's Daughter: A Short Summary of My Dad's Sermon

Welcome, readers, to another Sunday of Daddy's Daughter. Today we will look at:
In this text we learn about the first time the believers were called Christians. 'Christian' means 'Christ follower.' I am a Baptist. So is my dad, my mom, my brother, my grandparents, and lots of people I know. I may be a Baptist, but my first and foremost name is a Christian. I would rather be a Christian than a Baptist any day. My dad says "I'm a Christian by conversion and a Baptist by conviction." That is pretty much true about me, too. Did you know that Jesus being your Lord is different than being your Saviour? 'Lord' means 'leader.' 'Saviour' means 'someone who saves, rescues, or delivers.' People don't use the word 'Lord' much any more, except in a title. Being a Baptist is also different than being a Christian. I bet you're asking me what I mean. So glad you asked. To become a Christian you have to:
  1. A- Admit to God you are a sinner. (Romans 3:23)
  2. B- Believe that Jesus is the Son of God. (Romans 10:9)
  3. C- Confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord. (Romans 10:9)

To be a Baptist, you have to be baptized into the Baptist church. Not when you're a baby, but when you fully believe and understand Jesus, though none of us can fully understand Jesus.We need to believe in Jesus and understand Him enough to know and have a personal relationship with Him. Lastly, you may be asking what is a Christian church?
  • A church that PREACHES Jesus is Lord.
  • A church that engages in PURPOSEFUL living.
  • A church that PRACTICES their faith.
With that, I will bid you farewell, and a happy Labour Day.