A Young Woman After God's Own Heart

Hello, readers. Today is Wednesday, Bible Study night. Tonight my mom is starting a Bible Study at our church for young woman ages 10-16. It's not a book study, but she's gonna look at the book, A Young Woman After God's Own Heart, by Elizabeth George. The title may be familiar to you because Elizabeth George also wrote A Woman After God's Own Heart. As I thought about the beginning study, I thought about Proverbs 31. I thought about a young woman that would be pleasing the Lord. After reading it, I thought of some characteristics, based on Proverbs 31, that would be a young woman who fears the Lord
  • She makes wise decisions. (Prov. 31:16) She may be hanging out with her friends or her family, but whatever she does, she makes smart choices.
  • She gives to the needy. (Prov. 31:20) She gives to charity. It may not be very much, but she gives. If she doesn't have anything to give, she prays for them.
  • She thinks before she speaks, and when she does wisdom comes out. (Prov. 31:26) Whether she's at church, school, or at the mall, she guards her mouth carefully.
  • She is not vain. (Prov. 31:30) She does not worry about how she looks, but only about fearing and honouring her God.
Those are just a few ways that a young woman today could use to honour God, me included. Guys who are reading this, replace the she's with he's and we're all good. You may be playing sports with your buddies instead of hanging out at the mall, but any way, we need to fear the Lord and praise Him.