Getting Back Into Routine, Or Not

Welcome, readers. Today I am starting school. I'm home-schooled, and my brother and I are blessed through it. Today, as I get back into the routine of school on weekdays, church on weekends and Bible Studies and choir littered through the weekdays, I feel the calm relaxation of getting back into routine. Yes, I have only lived in my town, Halifax, for 3 and a half months, but, being home-schooled, I never have to change schools, or get a new teacher. Here in Halifax, I have a bit of home, wherever home is, even though this is my home, though I still need to make it my home. (Did you get that?)

I think in our spiritual lives we tend to settle down about now and get back into 'routine.' We go to church on Sunday, go to Bible Study and Choir on Wednesday. We maybe go to a Ladies meeting, or a Men's Breakfast here and there. We may even go or volunteer at Kids Club. I think about now, we tend to lose excitement and passion over being able to worship God in His home. We get to learn about Him and sing praises to His name! On Wednesday nights, we get to study the Bible in some way or form. We get to practice to sing praises to His name. That's exciting! We could also put it this way: We have to get up early to drag ourselves to a boring building on Sunday mornings. We have to sing long, boring hymns, and we have to listen to a boring message about something that happened 2,000 years ago.

What a difference between the two ways to look at 'routine.' Going to church and Bible Study may be a routine, but hopefully for you and me and everybody, it's an exciting passionate walk with God.