The Blah Days

You know the days I'm talking about. The grey days, the boring days, the tired days and the altogether blah days. The days where you dress in sweats and kick around the house feeling bored when you wish you could dress up and go out. We all have blah days. Today was one of those for me. The sky's grey, I have nowhere to go, Mom and Travis are sick and I'm starting to feel ... well, blah. But I'm starting to realize that blah days are gifts from the Lord, and they need to be redeemed for Him, used for His glory, just like every other day. So how do we change a blah day to a bam day? And, yes, a bam day is a good day.

  • Spend some time in the Word. This will get your eyes focused not on your circumstances but on God. It will readjust your priorities and what you're getting too concerned about.
  • Listen to edifying music. Who doesn't love good music? Turn on some tunes that will encourage you and strengthen your faith and you'll definitely start to feel better!
  • Go outside. Even a short walk or trip to the park will boost your spirits. It gives you an opportunity to revel in some of God's beautiful creation!
  • Read a good book. Pick up a book that will bless you and give it a read.
  • Memorize Scripture. No, I'm not kidding! Memorizing and meditating on Scripture is such an encouraging thing. Try it. It will give a purpose to your blah day!
  • Serve others. I can tell you from experience that on blah days, the last thing I feel like is serving others. But it can change your attitude from being self-focused to being others-focused, even with little things that others might find unexpected.
  • Email or call a friend. Not to complain or whine but to just to talk and encourage. Sometimes connection with other people can help cheer you up.
  • Think of things that you're thankful for. With Thanksgiving coming up this weekend (at least for us Canadians), what better thing to do? That's what I'm going to do after I publish this post. There are so many things we have to be thankful for, so let's make an effort to think of them and thank God for them!
  • Pray. The only way your blah day will really change into a bam day is if you entrust it to the Lord. He wants you to talk to Him about everything, including the blah days.

Hope this will change your blah day to a God-glorifying bam day!